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Paysera Tickets is changing its logo!

Back in March 2022, we were overjoyed to share the new Paysera logo with you. We also promised you more changes and updates on where our brand is heading, and we’re keeping our promise. Now is the time to reveal yet another logo launch, this time – for Paysera Tickets. Let’s talk about our vision, expectations, and what the Paysera Tickets rebranding is all about.

How will rebranding affect Paysera Tickets?

As you may recall from our announcement about the Paysera logo change, our overall rebranding goal is to connect our visual identity with our values and vision for the future of Paysera. And sometimes, images speak louder than words.

Ever since we changed the Paysera logo, the visual gap between Paysera and Paysera Tickets has been obvious. Although Paysera Tickets is one of our beloved products, if it wasn’t for the name that links it to us, it would be difficult to connect the dots. These dots will finally align through the Paysera Tickets rebranding, drawing the obvious connection between one another.

We know that change may seem scary to some people, but we want to assure you – the process will be smooth and gradual, and since you’re familiar with the new Paysera logo for some months now, the change shouldn’t be too shocking. We’re starting with a new logo and slowly but steady, we’ll introduce an improved website design and other updated marketing assets. A consistent branding will make things clearer.

Finally, we do want to emphasise that although Paysera Tickets is changing its appearance, our services remain as attractive as ever – still with no administrative and hidden fees for anyone who buys tickets via our platform.


How the new colours reflect Paysera Tickets services

While Paysera Tickets will mostly adopt our current Paysera colour theme, we do plan to include a breath of fresh air that will complement it and paint a vibrant image. Our blues and green are not alone anymore – they’re joined by white and a bright green shade.

All in all, the blue and green colours represent our commitment to remain loyal to our fundamental Paysera values – integrity, experience, innovation, sustainability, and others. The introduction of white and bright green shade is here to add: “We support the diversity and liveliness of different types of events.”


We don’t just dream big

All this talk about connecting our values and services to our visual identity might sound theoretical, but we don’t just dream big – we do big, and our services speak for themselves. Paysera Tickets was designed to accommodate both event organisers and event attendees. We do not believe in sacrificing the guest’s convenience on behalf of the organiser and vice versa. We can make our event ticketing platform equally convenient for both.

The values that we named before – such as integrity, innovation, and sustainability – powered us to accommodate ALL our customers. Here’s how:

  • The event ticketing system is free of charge for the buyers – there are no hidden or administrative fees for ticket printing
  • Event organisers can create and distribute free events without any costs
  • As an event organiser, you have 100% freedom to create, manage, and track your content without waiting for our system’s approval
  • The Paysera checkout payment gateway does have fees, but because we use our own tools, we charge much less than our competitors